Wednesday, 9 December 2015


Criminal: involving crime

Murder:  people who killing a person

Rob: to take something by unlawful force

Mugger: a person who mugs

Thief: one who steals.

Hooligans: a ruffian or hoodlum


Rub: to put friction on something.

Pantry: a small room near a kitchen, in which food, dishes, etc., are kept.

Bustling: full of peopleBustling: full of people.

Ripple: to form small waves.

Docks: a landing pier.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015


Graves: A place where die people are inside.

Full moon: I see all the face of the moon.

Underworld: Place where sinners are.

Black cats: A black cat.

See this song:

EE.UU States.

Monday, 5 October 2015


-Stumble: It´s a verb that means to discover something by chance.

-Greet: It´s a verb that means to say hello or goodbye to someone.

- Put on weigh: It´s a verb that means to weigh more tha you should weigh.

-Rewarding: It´s an adjective that means you feel satisfy with something.

-In advance: It´s an expresion of time that means that you have to do something two o three days before a fix plan.

-Outtakes: It´s a noun that means that when you are making a film not all the scenes are valid.

-Under construction: It´s a noun that means that a place is being rebuilt.

-Cliffts: It´s a high area of land with a very steep side, specially next to the sea.

-Hood: It´s a part of a coat and you usually wear it on your head.

-Roast: It´s a way of cooking without oil.

-Scamper: It´s a way of moving with small, quick, bouncing steeps.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

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